I blog, therefore I am.
I'm making no promises with this blog page. It might be just as uninteresting and uninspired as the next blog page, but that's okay with me. After all, I make no claims that I'm interesting, but only that I exist and because I exist and have led a different life than you have, might have something to offer readers.
Most importantly, this will also serve as a vital exercise for me. For reasons I won't get into here, I feel I am more pure and genuinely myself when I'm speaking through my films, through writing and, on very rare occassions these days, songwriting. Finding, developing, and giving life to one's unique voice is the challenge (and struggle) of any artist (and perhaps any human) and I find myself really hungry these days for more venues in which to do this. Even if no one reads this blog, it will have served this purpose for me. And who knows, if I ramble long enough, I'm bound to say something interesting at some point.
My other sincere hope is that those interested in what I'm about will get to know me better through this website as you will be experiencing me in a (hopefully) genuine form. Let the rambling begin.