TM 3.0
I am in transition. I've killed off the calculating, burden-laden, success-driven side of me so that I can better serve the artist that has been nearly dormant.
All artists must come to terms with it at some point in their careers: making art may feed our souls, but unless we or someone is able to sell our art, we end up broke and hungry. It's a common dilemma: the artist, who thrives on a free and wandering spirit, is invariably antagonized by the strategic and calculating businessman who must coexist within the same person, all in the service of profitability (i.e. making a living). More often than not, the businessman will dominate the other and before you know it, your days are nothing but business. At least that's what happened to me.
The unfortunate part of this transition is that it has resulted in layoffs at Transcendental Media. What was supposed to be an environment in which art thrives, became a hindrance for me creatively and spiritually. I knew some serious restructuring was in order when I found myself often waking in the middle of the night in a panic over personnel issues, profits, sustainability, company morale, deadlines, and efficiency in the TM workflow to name just a few things that kept me up at night. I am proud and honored to have worked alongside such talented people everyday and I'm excited to continue working with them on a project to project basis. I make movies. I am not a businessman nor am I interested in continuing to pose as one.
I look forward to the sleepless nights ahead of me as I feed the free and wandering spirit, lying awake with thoughts of stories I want to tell and creative ways in which to tell them. In addition to continuing work on the several TM projects currently underway such as The Philosopher Kings and Pitch Nation, I'm also looking forward to once again making a habit of writing everyday, dusting off old scripts (finished and unfinished), and giving a voice to everything floating around in my brain that has been haunting me for years.